The Price of Loyalty

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The Price of Loyalty

The Historian, the witness of countless stories, comes upon one that may reveal something of his own. Aegon, a vile and eccentric old sorcerer, holds the key to past the Historian has forgotten, but he’s in no mood to share. Aegon is being hunted by the last of his own students, who have twisted their humanity in their thirst for power.

Magic and madness are only pieces of the puzzle as the Historian moves to take control of the story, protect Aegon, and shift destiny itself. In his most personal story yet, the Historian finds that life, death, and love hang in the balance as he battles to save this story and find his own.

SKU: PoL-S-1-1 Category: Tag:

Series: The Historian Tales

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 234

Dimensions: 5.5″x8.5″x.8″

Weight: .8 lbs

Genre(s): Fiction – Fantasy – General – Young Adult

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